There is always something so stable about home. Well at least MY home.  It is pretty stable in regards to the craziness that goes on.  Just ...

Home Sweet Home

There is always something so stable about home. Well at least MY home.  It is pretty stable in regards to the craziness that goes on.  Just a couple of fun items for you.  YES I have some freebies.


I know, it sure would have been nice to have scrapped something. HA, dh was out of town and my little KitKat had an ear infection. Some days I feel lucky to make it through till the next Friday.  I won't talk about my decorating efforts during all of this, or even the fact that I have gone to bed at 3 am every night.  You might think I am a basket case... oh yeah, I pretty much am :)

Freebie: expired

I will be handing out another page on my facebook page, and another in my newsletter.  Be sure to collect them all! (ha, I've always wanted to say that!)

Have a great week everyone!

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